Thursday 25 October 2012

im a sucker for a lanscape but its something i think is my weak point in photography, id love to do more.

(taken in Jersey)

My first studio Artist shoot will hopefully be undergoing the week back from half term with a local band and ive already bought american red cups. Very keen for this shoot!

The scary Studio test

That time when the studio competency test comes around was yesterday. Hoping to god that i'd pass as most of my assignments are in the studio we set up 2 strobes one for gels and a subject strobe. Of course we would do something and it didn't work, but we just flicked the wrong switch. After the nightmare of thinking we broke a lamp, wrapping a shit load of wire together with masking tape and not finding the tiny light stand, we finally got round to taking a few shots which actually came out good! and i now have a good friendship with Gels, yay :D

The Start

Hi, :) this new blog will document my life as a photography student over the next 3 years showing shoots, development and thoughts of the experience. Enjoy! :D